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Scientific name | Common name | Place in Canopy | Pioneer |
Cissus antarctica | Native grape | Liana | |
Elaeagnus triflora | Millaa Millaa vine | Liana | |
Maclura cochinchinensis | Cockspur vine | Liana | |
Melodinus australis | Brown sugar vine | Liana | |
Piper hederaceum | New holland pepper | Liana | |
Tylophora benthamii | Bentham's tylophora | Liana | |
Acmena smithii | Smith's lillipilli | Riparian | |
Agathis robusta | Smooth bark kauri pine | Riparian | |
Ficus congesta | Red leaf fig | Riparian | |
Melaleuca viminalis | Weeping bottlebrush | Riparian | |
Mischocarpus lachnocarpus | Woolly-fruited mischocarp | Riparian | |
Syzygium australe | Creek satinash | Riparian | |
Breynia macrantha | Atherton sauropus | Scrambler | |
Calamus caryotoides | Fish tail lawyer vine | Scrambler | |
Codiaeum variegatum var. moluccanum | Moluccan cordiaeum | Scrambler | |
Dichapetalum papuanum | Papuan dichapetalum | Scrambler | |
Eumachia frutescens | Atherton turkey bush | Scrambler | |
Mackinlaya macrosciadea | Green mackinlaya | Scrambler | |
Phaleria octandra | Dawarf phaleria | Scrambler | |
Acronychia acidula | Lemon aspen | Subcanopy | |
Aglaia sapindina | Bujarra | Subcanopy | |
Aphananthe philippinensis | Grey handlewood | Subcanopy | |
Castanospora alphandii | Brown tamarind | Subcanopy | |
Cryptocarya mackinnoniana | Mackinnon's laurel | Subcanopy | |
Cryptocarya murrayi | Murray's laurel | Subcanopy | |
Endiandra insignis | Hairy walnut | Subcanopy | |
Mallotus mollissimus | Woolly kamala | Subcanopy | P |
Mallotus philippensis | Red kamala | Subcanopy | P |
Myristica insipida | Australian nubmeg | Subcanopy | |
Neolitsea brassii | Brass's bollywood | Subcanopy | P |
Neolitsea dealbata | Velvet leaf bollywood | Subcanopy | P |
Syzygium cormiflorum | Bumpy satinash | Subcanopy | |
Aglaia ferruginea | Rusty bujarra | Understorey | |
Breynia stipitata | Glossy leaf breynia | Understorey | P |
Ficus septica | Septic fig | Understorey | |
Fontainea picrosperma | Bitter seed fontainea | Understorey | |
Gossia hillii | Hill's lignum | Understorey | |
Gossia myrsinocarpa | Atherton lignum | Understorey | |
Neisosperma poweri | Red boat tree | Understorey | |
Phaleria clerodendron | Scented phaleria | Understorey | |
Rhodamnia sessiliflora | Iron malletwood | Understorey | |
Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa | Finger cherry | Understorey | |
Ternstroemia cherryi | Cherry beech | Understorey | |
Wikstroemia indica | Tye bush | Understorey | P |
Neoalsomitra clavigera | New mitre vine | Vine | |
Phyllanthera grayi | Gray's cryptolepis | Vine | |
Smilax calophylla | Shiny barwire vine | Vine | |
Trophis scandens | Burney vine | Vine | |
Acmenosperma claviflorum | Trumpet satinash | Canopy | |
Anthocarapa nitidula | Incensewood | Canopy | |
Brachychiton acerifolius | Flame kurrajong | Canopy | |
Celtis paniculata | Silky celtis | Canopy | |
Cryptocarya hypospodia | Northern laurel | Canopy | |
Diploglottis diphyllostegia | Northern tamarind | Canopy | |
Dysoxylum parasiticum | Yellow mahogany | Canopy | |
Elaeocarpus coorangooloo | Coorangooloo quandong | Canopy | |
Endiandra cowleyana | Northern rose walnut | Canopy | |
Euroschinus falcatus | Pink poplar | Canopy | |
Ficus fraseri | Fraser's fig | Canopy | |
Flindersia brayleyana | Queensland maple | Canopy | |
Litsea leefeana | Brown bollywood | Canopy | |
Melia azedarach | White cedar | Canopy | P |
Terminalia sericocarpa | Damson | Canopy | |
Aleurites rockinghamensis | Candlenut | Emergent | |
Alloxylon flammeum | Flame silky oak | Emergent | |
Alstonia scholaris | Milky pine | Emergent | |
Argyrodendron peralatum | Red tuli oak | Emergent | |
Argyrodendron sp. (Boonjie B.P.Hyland RFK2139) | Boonjie tulip oak | Emergent | |
Castanospermum australe | Black bean | Emergent | |
Elaeocarpus grandis | Silver quandong | Emergent | |
Ficus henneana | Superb fig | Emergent | |
Ficus obliqua | Small leaf fig | Emergent | |
Flindersia schottiana | Floppy-leaf ash | Emergent | |
Toona ciliata | Red cedar | Emergent | |
Vitex queenslandica | Queensland vitex | Emergent | |
Asplenium australasicum | Keeled bird's nest fern | Epiphyte | |
Drynaria rigidula | Basket fern | Epiphyte | |
Platycerium bifurcatum | Elkhorn fern | Epiphyte | |
Platycerium superbum | Staghorn fern | Epiphyte | |
Adiantum hispidulum | Rough maidenhair fern | Ground fern | |
Pallaea falcata var. nana | Dwarf sickle fern | Ground fern | |
Dienia montana | Broadleaf ground orchid | Ground orchid | |
Alocasia brisbanensis | Cunjevoi | Herb | |
Alpinia caerulea | Blue ginger | Herb | |
Alpinia modesta | Modest ginger | Herb | |
Cyperus mirus | Mirus sedge | Herb | |
Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum | Pointed leaf rainforest grass | Herb | |
Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum | Large leaf rainforest grass | Herb | |
Dendrocnide cordifolia | Cordate stinging bush | Herb | |
Dendrocnide moroides | Gympie stinging bush | Herb | |
Oplismenus burmanni | Burman's rainforest grass | Herb | |
Oplismenus hirtellus | Hairy leaf rainforest grass | Herb | |
Pollia crispata | Crispate pollia | Herb | |
Pollia macrophylla | Large leaf pollia | Herb | |
Pseuderanthemum variabile | Floor flower | Herb | |
Urtica incisa | Tropical stinging nettle | Herb | |
Austrosteenisia blackii | Black's bloodvine | Liana | |
Cayratia saponaria | Silver hair cayratia | Liana | |
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