Get Involved
with like-minded people who are committed to improving the environment through rainforest revegetation
With ongoing plant production at the Lake Eacham nursery and various projects always underway, there are numerous opportunities to volunteer with TREAT and meet interesting and like-minded people from your local community.
Nursery – Fri mornings, McLeish Road Nursery, Lake Eacham
Community Tree Plantings – Wet season, Sat mornings
Display Centre – Mon, Wed and Fri, McLeish Road, Lake Eacham
School programmes – various
Yungaburra Markets – 4th Sat each month, Yungaburra
The TREAT Environmental Benefit Fund (EBF) is an approved charitable fund. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
The fund provides for various activities directly related to revegetation projects such as site maintenance, purchase of frost guards and irrigation, fencing and stock watering points.
Members can receive 10 free trees each year, after their first year of membership. They can also apply for up to 300 trees for private projects, after one year’s membership.
Suitable trees for the habitat will be chosen by nursery staff and the applicant needs to demonstrate that site preparation and maintenance have been considered. The applicant should attend a Planting Workshop prior to planting.
The TREAT auger can also be borrowed for these projects.
What's on, when & where ? - TREE PLANTING
All tree plantings start at 8am. BBQ provided afterwards. Bring sunscreen hat raincoat drinking water and your own gloves. Trowels & gloves provided. Holes are pre-dug.
Field Day Ault Road 17 August 9.30 am
AGM Friday 6 September 7 pm
Yungaburra Community Hall Cedar Street
Guest Speaker Keith Smith DES
Private Protected Areas: What's new in our region
To help in planning ahead for future priority revegetation areas, TREAT is building on its experience of the past 40 years by seeking expressions of interest from landholders on the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands who are interested in revegetation on their properties.
The purpose of this is to build a data base of possible planting projects for the TREAT Committee to prioritise for future funding applications.
As a community-based organisation of volunteers, TREAT works in partnership with local landowners and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) to grow and plant rainforest trees native to the Wet Tropics. The goals that TREAT seeks to achieve through its revegetation activities are informed by the priorities of key local resource management organisations, such as QPWS, Terrain NRM and the Wet Tropics Management Authority, and are summarised by the TREAT motto:
“the right tree in the right place for the right reason”.
The partnership between TREAT and QPWS generates significant but limited resources and so the use of these resources is carefully managed and prioritised to provide maximum environmental benefits.
It is not TREAT’s normal business to administer and to apply for funding grants on behalf of landowners but TREAT does monitor funding opportunities and may assist with or submit applications when a funding opportunity is identified that aligns with TREAT’s activities and a suitable planting project can be identified.
The factors that the TREAT Committee use to prioritise properties include, but may not be limited to:-
Landowners that:-
are committed to improving and protecting the environmental value of their properties
share TREAT’s goals for revegetation on their properties
are willing to follow the advice of TREAT and QPWS in regards to plant selection and revegetation procedures
Sites that:-
abut remnant vegetation patches, National Parks or Nature Reserves
will improve habitat connections
would be broad riparian plantings on tributaries or major water courses ending on the coast
will not impinge on highly desirable agricultural land.
If you feel that you have land and environmental goals that would satisfy these criteria, and would like to register your interest in revegetation on your property with TREAT please complete and submit the following form:
PLEASE NOTE – Submitting this form creates no obligation on TREAT’s behalf to go ahead with any revegetation.