Saturday 19 November 9am Tree ID & Seed Propagation Workshop, Lake Eacham Nursery
Saturday 3 December 8.30 am Planting Workshop, Freemans Forest Nature Reserve
2022 Workshops & Christmas/New Year
These popular workshops have been a highlight for new members over many years and are being held again this year. They are free and open to non-TREAT members as well as members. However, it is necessary to register of you wish to attend, as numbers are limited - please ring Barbara Lanskey (ph. 4091 4468) or contact the nursery on 4095 3406.
Tree identification & seed propagation workshop
This workshop is held in two sessions with a tea/coffee break in between, and is scheduled to finish at 12.30pm. Dinah Hansman presents the tree ID session and brings along samples of various tree branches to look at leaf features. She talks about leaf arrangement, feel, smell etc. and explains features such as domatia, glands, oil dots etc. which participants can see by using TREAT's hand lenses. Notes with diagrams are handed out. Peter Snodgrass presents the seed propagation session. At this time of year he has an assortment of seeds collected, and he shows the best ways to sow, germinate and grow the different seed types. Peter also has notes handed out.
Planting workshop
This workshop is held at Freemans Forest Nature Refuge where hole digging and planting can be demonstrated. An information session is held first, to talk about what is involved in site preparation, planting and maintenance of a planting site, and Mark and Angela McCaffrey together with Peter Snodgrass share their extensive knowledge and experience of these activities. Notes are handed out. There is a tea/coffee break after the information session, then at a designated area, augers are used to dig holes and trees are planted, to give participants hands-on experience. The workshop usually finishes about midday. Freemans Forest NR is on Cutler Road off Lake Barrine Road.
Christmas/New Year break
TREAT will have a Christmas morning tea on Friday 16th December, with extra food such as fruit and cheese platters, supplied by TREAT thanks to donations during the year to Smoko. The QPWS staff from next door usually come over to enjoy the food and company with us. The nursery will still be open for a working bee on Friday 23rd December, but will be closed for the Christmas/New Year period. The nursery is open again on Tuesday 3rd January and the first working bee for 2023 is on Friday 6th January.
Scaling up Revegetation in the Wet Tropics - Geoff Onus
Economy of scale. Can this be applied to revegetation?
Firstly, what is revegetation? Is it just whacking trees in the ground, so you feel good, or is it strategic? To me in the Wet Tropics, revegetation is strategic, planting trees to create an area with 100% canopy to mimic nearby rainforest. Forestry type plantings have a role, but the 100% canopy model captures an area in a short period of time, with no grasses and weeds in the understorey.
Secondly, for scaling up we need cash and land. Where is the cash coming from and who owns the land?
Finally, to scale up revegetation, we can’t rely on volunteers. There needs to be a sustainable industry.
Revegetation has been happening in the Wet Tropics for over forty years and plenty of lessons have been learnt. In the early days, at a small scale, we were planting just a few species (often from another ecosystem type), hand weeding and whipper-snipping weeds. Over time, techniques have developed and today we aim for 100% canopy cover with a maximum diversity of local provenance seedlings, in a strategic location within the landscape. Strategic locations range from building on existing forest areas, corridors, to ‘stepping stones’ in agricultural zones.
In coastal settings, with excellent growing conditions, 100% canopy cover can be achieved in eighteen months. On the Tablelands and hinterlands, it takes a bit longer, but 100% canopy cover is usually achieved in approximately three years. 100% canopy cover allows practitioners to nearly walk away from a site, apart from ongoing edge effects, the odd exotic vine incursion and natural disaster situations. 100% canopy cover gives peace of mind that a habitat has been created where natural processes start up which organisms can utilise and feel safe.
The notion that if we scale up then the cost per hectare will be less expensive, is a joke and I take this as an insult. We (the industry) have been trying to mechanise, innovate and improve productivity for years. We are always trying to find efficiencies. Should we pay the nurseries less for their seedlings, pay our staff less, bring in non-local labour, cut corners? I say no, because cheap equals nasty. The entities that demand this, should work in the field for a season - on 45° slopes, in 30+ degrees temperatures, 100% humidity and pouring monsoonal rain - and then ask us to do it cheaper. The Wet Tropics has a premium revegetation product with maximum biodiversity, and the premium product comes at a premium cost.
Recently a Wet Tropics Restoration Alliance has been formed, with many entities recognising the need to undertake revegetation at scale, and broker this product to potential investors. Terrain NRM has received grants to develop a Cassowary Credit Scheme whereby investors can buy a premium product. The federal government has been off the game for at least nine years, but hopefully the new government will reverse this lack of environmental political will. The state government has kept up momentum in revegetation investment, in particular with the Land Restoration Fund that abates carbon. South Endeavour Trust has received state government assistance to revegetate (100% canopy cover model) approximately 60 hectares, starting this season. Other new landowners are coming on line, where we can revegetate at scale in strategic locations, but it must be cost neutral or have benefits for them. Carbon, biodiversity, threatened species enhancement, climate refugial zones and water quality outcomes are the current themes for investment. With the commitment to a carbon neutral Australia, it is suggested more investment will flow.
In the Wet Tropics we are blessed with excellent growing conditions; trees grow quickly, however so do weeds. If not controlled, exotic weeds such as guinea grass, glycine and wild tobacco, will overtake a site, suppressing the chance to get to 100% canopy cover. To address this, revegetation is very labour-intensive, requiring diligent site care. For the last ten years, our company (NQ Land Management Services) has been planting on average 25,000 seedlings per year. This year we will be planting approximately 50,000 (all 100% canopy model). However, this is not a full-time job for a team. For example, they need to undertake other projects such as biosecurity surveying, fencing, walking track installation, weed works, nursery duties and many more tasks to maintain a full-time job. If we had 200,000 to plant a year, that would maintain a full-time job, fingers crossed. We consider our teams to be environmental farmers as they need a host of skills to develop a career. Currently no educational institution recognises environmental farming; they cater for rangers and horticulturists. There is a need for recognition and an apprenticeship/cadetship as a formal acknowledgement of the skill set, moving forward.
If decision makers want a sustainable industry to address the potential scaling up, they must recognise practitioners as professionals. Revegetation practitioners are professionals, not labour hire.
Editor. Geoff and his company NQ Land Management Services won this year's Cassowary Award for ‘Government and Industry Initiatives’. This is the first time in the 19 years of the Cassowary Awards that the award has been given to the private sector.
If it rains appropriately in November, NQLMS (with the community) are intending to plant at Wongabel for Tropical Tree Day in early December. There will also be a planting in December at Dirran's End. Both plantings will be approximately 3,000 trees. Check the media for notices of these plantings.
More Cassowary Award Successes for the Atherton Tablelands - Kylie Freebody
Kylie Freebody’s 30 year career in rainforest restoration across the Wet Tropics has been recognised with a Cassowary Award from the Wet Tropics Management Authority in the category ‘Thorsborne Award for Community Conservation and Rehabilitation’.
Kylie began her career in 1992 with The Eacham Shire Council sector of the Wet Tropics Tree Planting Scheme (WTTPS), with eminent Yungaburra botanist Geoff Tracey as her mentor for many years. As the roving botanist with WTTPS she covered ten Councils from Thuringowa to Cooktown. From 1999 to 2005 Kylie worked part-time as a Bushcare Support Officer with Greening Australia while also undertaking private consultancies involving vegetation surveys, revegetation project planning, and technical advice in the Wet Tropics region and Torres Strait. Kylie then returned to Eacham Shire Council as co-manager of the Community Revegetation Unit with her conservationist husband Larry Crook. In 2014 the council (now the Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) after amalgamation) underwent a major restructure threatening the nursery with closure. Kylie’s part time position was then split between Nursery Supervisor and a new role as the Natural Assets Adviser providing technical advice to council departments on issues relating to native vegetation, conservation and NRM planning issues. Kylie’s position was made full time in 2019.
From 2006 to 2022, Kylie did extensive work in collaboration with Professor Carla Catterall’s (Griffith University) research projects studying rainforest tree planting development trajectories, rainforest regrowth development and lower cost methods of rainforest restoration.
Kylie recently resigned as the TRC Natural Assets Adviser and manager of the TRC Community Revegetation Nursery after 17 years, to focus on progressing further rainforest restoration opportunities in the Wet Tropics area.

Plant Profile Ficus virens - Dinah Hansman
Nigel Tucker suggested that we reinstate ‘Fruit of the Month’ that he, Tania Murphy and Tony Irvine used to contribute to our newsletter. So, I will start with my favourite—which is the fig Ficus virens. Why do I admire this tree so much? F. virens is a spectacular banyan or strangler fig—famous examples are the Cathedral Fig and Curtain Fig. Its complex meshwork of white roots and branches creates micro-climates and supports a range of epiphytes and lianas. It provides food for multitudes by producing small bite-sized (10 mm diameter) white, pink or purple figs—often several times a year—and has edible leaves—it is resilient, growing in a range of habitats and is a good coloniser.
It is an amazingly resilient tree and occurs right across tropical Australia—from the Kimberly, NT, Cape York down to south-east Queensland. It also occurs in Asia, Malesia and the SW Pacific islands. It grows in well-developed rain forest, drier, more seasonal rain forest, beach forest and monsoon forest from sea level to 1150 m.
Ficus virens is one of the first trees to colonize remote or difficult sites—its seed is brought by flying foxes or birds because it is small enough to go through the gut in large quantities. It was recorded on Krakatau as an early coloniser and you can also see it growing on boulders in the middle of savanna woodland.
This fig is a keystone species because it produces large quantities of fruit that are eaten by a range of frugivores and because it fruits several times a year. Nigel Tucker talked about the importance of figs in the Oct - Dec 2020 issue of TREAT NEWS (but unaccountably didn’t mention F. virens).
Various aspects of its biology are very interesting—the whole strangling thing, the fig wasp partnership and the white latex. It is deciduous at the dry time of year—in around September to October it drops its leaves and is leafless for about a week. The new leaves are red.
If you only had one tree to plant for revegetation you could plant F. virens and sit back and wait. However, it is not recommended for the suburban back yard unless you want to live in a treehouse.

Wildlife Friendly Barbless Fencing Wire - Jenny Maclean
There is a new barbless wire that will hopefully make a huge difference to the numbers of bats, gliders and owls being caught on the top strand of fences around Australia.
It has the not-very-catchy name Murray barbless safe-twist wire and is being manufactured by Whites Wires in Albury. It can be ordered from most hardware and rural shops in this region and should be available by early November.
A so-far very successful trial of the wire is being held near El Arish on the way to Mission Beach. The fence was erected in November 2021 as an internal fence and has used the new wire as top and bottom strands and 2 strands of barbed wire as the middle wires. It keeps cattle out of a desirable area containing food supplements, so was likely to be challenged by cattle. To date it has not been breached. The wire will soon be featured on Tim Thompson’s YouTube channel.
This new wire is 2 strands of high tensile plain wire twisted together – the same as barbed wire but without the barbs. It is stronger and more elastic than conventional plain wire. It also has the advantage of requiring the same tools and skill-set as barbed wire, making it easy for fencers to change over to this new product.
We know that over 86% of flying/gliding wildlife are caught on the top strand of fences and are hoping that landowners will use it there. Using it on other strands is a bonus. Tolga Bat Hospital is purchasing about 50 rolls of the wire to be used particularly on fences that are hotspots for entanglement. Please contact us if you are interested in using some at any hotspots on your property. There has been quite a lot of interest in it and we know the fencing contractors for the Kaban windfarm will be using it.
Read more about the new wire here.
October to December is the busiest time of year for the Bat Hospital for bats coming into care from entanglement on barbed wire fences. Large numbers of Little Red flying foxes come to the Tablelands at this time of year and are the main victims of barbed wire. Their pollination services are essential for our eucalypt forests that blossom at this time of year. It is also the time of year for tick paralysis. Many hundreds of critically endangered Spectacled flying foxes are affected and hundreds of resulting orphans come into care. Small numbers of adults are able to be successfully treated, microchipped and released to continue their essential long-distance pollination and seed dispersal services. This year is the first of a 3-year research project funded by WIRES into tick paralysis in Spectacled flying foxes.

2022 AGM Report - Barb Lanskey
TREAT's 40th Annual General Meeting was held in the Yungaburra Community Hall on 2nd September at 7pm. Thirty-five people signed the attendance sheet and there were 5 apologies.
Peter Snodgrass presented his Nursery Report on the screen, with some surprising graphic effects with Tayla's assistance. Mandy presented her Treasurer's Report and noted, as required, a couple of pecuniary interests of the committee. TREAT continues to have healthy balances in both the General and the Environmental Benefit Fund accounts. Angela read her President's Report (see this newsletter) and it was received with acclamation.
All committee positions were then declared vacant and Andrew Forsyth was invited to chair the election of office bearers for the next year. As a list of all the nominees and positions had been on display at the nursery for the previous 2 weeks and there were no further nominations, the following committee was elected:
President - Angela McCaffrey
Vice-president - John Hardman
Secretary - Doug Burchill
Treasurer - Mandy Bormolini
Committee Members - Belinda Bogart, Simon Burchill, Christine Eade, Irene Gorman, Dinah Hansman, Barbara Lanskey, Carey Robinson, Dave Skelton.
There are 2 changes to the committee. Belinda Bogart has taken over from Rob Bogart, and Christine Eade has replaced Trish Forsyth. Trish continues to be a presence at the Yungaburra Markets for TREAT and is now in charge of membership matters for TREAT. Christine Eade has been coming to plantings and Friday morning working bees for some years.
A General Meeting follows the AGM, and this year, Trish and Dinah showed some examples on the screen of the developing new look TREAT website. As at October, it has now replaced the previous website. Dinah was thanked by acclamation for her hundreds of hours of work with the new website.
Angela then introduced our guest speaker for the evening, Geoff Onus, Director of NQ Land Management Services. He gave a power-point presentation and spoke passionately about the up-scaling of revegetation in the Wet Tropics and the need for revegetation to be recognised as an industry. See Geoff's article this newsletter. There were a few questions for Geoff, then supper was held, and the last of us left the hall about 9.30pm.
President's Report - Angela McCaffrey
I acknowledge with respect the Traditional Owners of the land where we are tonight, the Wadjanbarra Tablelands Yidinji.
For TREAT the year 2021 – 2022 has been a year of celebration. As Covid restrictions have eased, numbers of volunteers have come back to normal at all events but especially at the nursery which is once again a buzz of activity and conversation. We continue to work in a Covid safe way.
Our Christmas celebrations were back to their fabulous best and to top it all we celebrated our 40thAnniversary with a tremendous party at the nursery in June. It began with a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony by Warren Canendo of the Ngadjon people. We were entertained and enlightened with talks by Andrew Millerd & Peter Snodgrass from QPWS, Nigel Tucker an early Nursery Ranger in Charge, John and Marion Clarkson Nature Refuge holders and tree planters, Peter Tuck currently planting on the Atherton Rail Trail and Mark McCaffrey and myself about the creation of our Ringtail Crossing corridor and its recent inhabitants. Peter Snodgrass had created a photo history TREAT which rolled over on a screen as a backdrop, and there was food a plenty thanks to organisers Mandy Bormolini, Elizabeth Hamilton-Shaw and many contributors. A special cake marked the occasion.
Looking back since last September, we began with our ever popular, informative and well attended workshops, one on propagation and plant ID and the second on site preparation, planting and maintenance techniques. Thanks to Peter Snodgrass, Dinah Hansman, Mark McCaffrey, Barbara Lanskey and Trish Forsyth.
Moving to our planting season, we held 13 events, planted 23,000 trees of which 7,440 were from the QPWS/TREAT nursery and the remainder from the TRC nursery, NQLMS nursery and home nurseries. In addition to the Community Plantings, members received 8,952 trees for their own environmental projects.
The summer rains were too brief but in the end sufficient to get most trees through with a little supplementary watering required. Let’s hope for a more typical wet season this year.
2022 continued with Field Days firstly at Doug and Sandra Burchill’s place where with son Simon, they have been planting for over 40 years. The place is home to many Tree Kangaroos but unfortunately none were in view on our visit. It was amazing to see such an array of different aged plantings as well different soils and methods used to achieve revegetation. The second Field Day was at McLean Ridge showcasing the plantings undertaken over the last four years including infill this year. We marvelled at the amazing growth rates and enjoyed afternoon tea on both occasions. Thanks to Barbara, Elizabeth, Trish, Dinah, Doug, Simon and Mark for successful events.
Regular TREAT activities include opening the visitor display centre to the public. Unfortunately this was delayed due to Covid restrictions but was eventually back up and running on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays thanks to Rob English and Keisha Huet.
The nursery continues to flourish thanks to all the volunteers cleaning seed, potting up seedlings, working outside in the bays, scrubbing and sterilising pots and organising morning tea. Staffing at the nursery continues to evolve with Nick Stevens retiring due to ill health last November. Peter Snodgrass moved from acting Ranger in Charge to taking the position fully, Peter’s old position 004 has been temporarily, ably, filled by Tayla Croxford and the 003 position was held by Themi Graham for most of the year but has recently changed to Stuart Russell, all doing great jobs. We thank them and express our deep appreciation for all that the nursery staff do.
Most months we have been able to have stall at Yungaburra Markets, raising TREAT’s profile with locals and visitors alike. Thanks to Trish and Andrew Forsyth with back-up from Rob and Belinda Bogart, Shirley Prout and Carmen Maylin.
Barbara continues to put the quarterly newsletter together with assistance from Simon Burchill, Mandy Bormolini and Irene Gorman to put out the electronic version.
The existing website continues to be managed by Simon Burchill, soon to be replaced by the new website which has been carefully created by Dinah Hansman with help from Trish Forsyth and Irene Gorman. You will get to see this tonight although it won’t be launched just yet with a few minor changes still to come.
TREAT is taking part in a major scientific monitoring study being led by Nigel Tucker of Biotropica which looks at the changes that have taken place on three wildlife corridors which were mostly planted at least 10 years ago. Monitoring of the use by wildlife includes terrestrial mammals, bats and birds and the colonising of native seedlings. The three corridors are Donaghy’s Corridor, the Lakes Corridor and Peterson Creek Corridor. The study is being done over a 12 month period and has already had some interesting findings. We look forward to the final report.
Finally as always, I wish to express my thanks to all our dedicated committee members who each take an important role and contribute to the decision making that keeps TREAT dynamic. Especially Doug, who does an excellent job as secretary, Mandy who continues as our treasurer and Trish Forsyth who leaves the committee this year but has made a big contribution, as well as all our volunteers who turn up week after week.
Here’s to another 12 months of great revegetation in a Covid safe environment.
Nursery News - Peter Snodgrass
Spring has arrived along with warm conditions that have dried the landscape considerably. Hopefully all the trees planted earlier in the year have established enough to see them through this period. Rain would be welcome of course, for the trees as well as to improve conditions for site preparation.
The winter conditions were mostly favourable, and the forests were able to produce a reasonable amount of fruit for the wildlife with enough spare to harvest for nursery propagation.
It’s been wonderful to have so many volunteers consistently attending TREAT working bees in the nursery every Friday morning. With new volunteers regularly arriving to participate in all aspects of production, the nursery is almost brimming again. As a result of everyone’s dedicated efforts, the tree and plant stock for the next round of planting are looking absolutely fantastic.
During the first week of October, Angela McCaffrey and I hosted a visit by 3 commonwealth members of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DEECCW) and 3 VIPs from the Wet Tropics Management Authority (WTMA) team in Cairns, to look at the work we (QPWS & TREAT) do here at the nursery. We also showcased the restoration work at Freemans Forest Nature Refuge. They were very impressed with the QPWS/TREAT relationship as well as our achievements, both in the nursery and on the ground. Hopefully, this enhanced their understanding of the constraints associated with revegetation work and further increases TREAT’s funding opportunities into the future.
Mabi forest recovery has gained a lot of momentum over the past couple of years and even more so this year. We have received assistance from the QPWS Heavy Plant Unit (HPU) to prepare about 13 hectares of land for restoration at Wongabel State Forest Conservation Area. The HPU team have been clearing the area of exotic tree species left behind by forestry plantation activities prior to the early handback of this land parcel. The area has been grid lined in a fashion, into 1 hectare plots to enable allocation of plots for monitoring purposes and also as part of a fire management strategy. Our appreciation goes out to the HPU. It was anticipated that restoration of this area might take 8 to 10 years to complete but the way things are moving we may see the area restored in as few as 6 to 8 years. Christine Wolf of Barron Catchment Care has secured 3 grants to revegetate a total of 2 hectares at the site this coming season, with NQLMS and the Reef Assist crew organising works on ground. Further interest by other parties has also been expressed to provide support to increase recovery efforts in Mabi country. All very positive signs for Mabi forest restoration.
All in all, there is a lot of revegetation work being carried out across the Tablelands, with many trees being provided by the Lake Eacham Nursery to some very significant areas. As a result of the volunteers that continuously put the effort in week after week in the nursery, these trees will be ready and in an optimal condition come time for planting. Thanks to you all and we look forward to seeing you each and every week.
Title | Common Name | Regional Ecosystem | Collection Date |
Abrophyllum ornans | Native Hydrangea | 7.8.4 | 5/4/2023 |
Aceratium doggrellii | Buff Carabeen | 7.8.4 | 7/6/2023 |
Aceratium ferrugineum | Rusty Carabeen | 7.8.3 | 12/7, 27/7/2023 |
Ackama australiensis | Rose Alder | 7.8.1, 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 1/05, 30/05/2024 |
Ackama australiensis | Rose Alder | 7.8.4 | 5/4/2023 |
Ackama australiensis | Cedara | 7.8.4 | 7/3/2023 |
Acromanthus spathaceus | Acromanthus | 7.8.2 | 3/4/2023 |
Acronychia acidula | Lemon Aspen | 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 24/04, 13/06/2024 |
Acronychia acidula | Lemon Aspen | 7.8.4 | 5/4/2023 |
Acronychia acidula | Lemon Aspen | 7.8.4 | 21/8/2024 |
Acronychia acronychioides | White Aspen | 7.8.2 | 11+18/08/22 |
Acronychia acronychioides | White Aspen | 7.8.2 | 20/9/2023 |
Acronychia vestita | Hairy Lemon Aspen | 7.8.2, 7.3.10 | 12/7, 16/8/2023 |
Acronychia vestita | Fuzzy Lemon Aspen | 7.8.2 | 26/10/2023 |
Acronychia vestita | Hairy Lemon Aspen | 7.8.2 | 28/8, 11/09/2024 |
Acronychia vestita | Hairy Aspen | 7.8.2, 7.8.1, 7.8.3 | 6/7/22, 7+16/08/22 |
Adenanthera abrosperma | Giddy Giddy | 9.3.3 | 16/8/2023 |
Adenanthera pavonina | Red Beantree | 7.3.10 | 5/9/2023 |
Adenanthera pavonina | Red Beantree | 7.8.1, 7.3.10 | 6+12/7/22 |
Adenanthera pavonina | Red Bean Tree | 7.3.10 | 13/4/2023 |
Adenanthera pavonina | Red Beantree | 7.3.10 | 2/9/2024 |
Agathis atropurpurea | Blue Kauri | 7.8.4 | 21/11/2023 |
Agathis atropurpurea | Blue Kauri | 7.8.4 | 24/11/2022 |
Agathis microstachya | Bull Kauri | 7.8.2 | 13/12/2024 |
Aglaia australiensis | Brown Ripples | 7.8.2 | 9/1/2024 |
Aglaia euryanthera | 7.8.3 | 10/1/2024 | |
Aglaia sapindina | Boodyarra | 7.8.2 | 1/2/2024 |
Aglaia sapindina | Boodyarra | 7.8.2 | 4/1/2023 |
Ailanthus triphysa | White Bean | 9.8.3 | 14/12/2022 |
Alectryon connatus | Alectryon | 9.8.3 | 14/12/2022 |
Aleurites rockinghamensis | Candlenut | 7.8.2 | 19/10/2023 |
Aleurites rockinghamensis | Candlenut | 7.8.2, 7.8.3 | 14/2, 6/3/2024 |
Allocasuarina torulosa | River Oak | 7.8.2 | 28/11/2023 |
Allocasuarina torulosa | River Oak | 7.8.2 | 6/3/2024 |
Allocasuarina torulosa | River Oak | 7.8.2 | 30/3/2023 |
Allocasuarina torulosa | River Oak | 7.8.2 | 1/8/2024 |
Alloxylon flammeum | Pink Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 17/10/2024 |
Alloxylon flammeum | Pink Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 1/12/2022 |
Alphitonia petrei | White Ash | 7.8.2 | 8/2, 20/3/2024 |
Alphitonia petrei | White Ash | 7.8.4, 7.12.16 | 10/04, 13/06/2024 |
Alphitonia petrei | White Ash | 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 9/02/2023, 7/03/2023 |
Alphitonia whitei | Northern Red Ash | 7.8.2, 7.12.16 | 6/06, 13/06/2024 |
Alphitonia whitei | Northern Red Ash | 7.8.4, 7.8.2 | 11/05, 26/05/2023 |
Alphitonia whitei | Red Ash | 7.12.16, 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 9/03/2023, 30/03/2023 |
Alpinia arctiflora | Snow Ginger | 7.8.4 | 24/1/2023 |
Alpinia caerulea | Native Ginger | 7.8.4 | 1/8/2024 |
Antidesma bunius | Herbert River Cherry | 7.8.2 | 7/10/2022 |
Antidesma bunius | Herbert River Cherry | 7.8.2 | 26/9/2022 |
Antidesma bunius | Herbert River Cherry | 7.8.2 | 8/5/2024 |
Antidesma erostre | Wild Currant | 7.8.2 | 1/2/2023 |
Archidendron lucyi | Scarlet Bean | 7.8.2 | 22/11/2022 |
Archontophoenix alexandrae | Alexandra Palm | 7.8.2 | 9/6/2023 |
Archontophoenix alexandrae | Alexandra Palm | 7.3.10 | 22/11/2023 |
Argyrodendron trifoliolatum | Brown Booyong | 7.8.2 | 23/1, 1/2/2024 |
Aristolochia acuminata | Native Dutchman | 7.8.2 | 1/7/2024 |
Aristolochia acuminata | Dutchman Pipe | 7.8.3 | 31/10/2022 |
Arytera divaricata | Rose Tamarind | 7.8.3 | 2/11/2023 |
Arytera divaricata | Rose Tamarind | 7.8.2 | 31/8/2023 |
Arytera divaricata | Rose Tamarind | 7.8.3 | 29/10/2024 |
Arytera divaricata | Rose Tamarind | 7.8.2 | 17/9/2024 |
Arytera pauciflora | Pink Tamarind | 7.8.2 | 18/08/22, 21/9/22 |
Asplenium australasicum | Bird's Nest Fern | 7.3.10 | 9/10/2024 |
Athertonia diversifolia | Atherton Oak | 7.8.2 | 19/10/2023, 7/12/23 |
Athertonia diversifolia | Atherton Oak | 7.8.2 | 31/10/2024 |
Athertonia diversifolia | Atherton Oak | 7.8.2 | 14/10/2022, 17/11/2022 |
Athertonia diversifolia | Atherton Oak | 7.8.2 | 15/9/2022 |
Atractocarpus fitzlanii | Orange Randia | 7.3.10 | 10/11/2022 |
Atractocarpus fitzlanii | Yellow Mangosteen | 7.3.10, 7.8.1 | 4/04, 12/04/2023 |
Atractocarpus fitzlanii | Yellow Mangosteen | 7.3.10, 7.8.2 | 30/05, 25/06/2024 |
Auranticarpa papyracea | Green Paperbark | 7.8.2 | 23/08/22, 8/9/22 |
Auranticarpa papyracea | Green Paperbark | 7.8.2 | 1/12/2024 |
Beilschmedia bancroftii | Yellow Walnut | 7.8.2 | 24/7/2024 |
Beilschmiedia bancroftii | Yellow Walnut | 7.8.2 | 14/12/2024 |
Beilschmiedia bancroftii | Yellow Walnut | 7.8.4 | 7/9/2022 |
Beilschmiedia brunnea | Brown Walnut | 7.8.3 | 8/11/2024 |
Beilschmiedia oligandra | Ivory Walnut | 7.8.4 | 12/11/2024 |
Beilschmiedia recurva | Khaki Bark | 7.8.2 | 14/11/2024 |
Beilschmiedia recurva | Ivory Walnut | 7.8.2 | 8/11/2022, 17/11/2022 |
Beilschmiedia volckii | Blush Walnut | 7.8.2 | 28/11/2024 |
Benstonea monticola | Screw Palm | 7.8.2 | 19/7/2022 |
Bischofia javanica | Beefwood | 7.8.1 | 12/4/2023 |
Bowenia spectabilis | Zamia Fern | 7.3.10 | 9/10/2024 |
Brachychiton australis | Bottletree | 9.8.3 | 14/12/2022 |
Breynia macrantha | Atherton Sauropus | 7.8.2 | 28/6/2023 |
Breynia macrantha | Atherton Sauropus | 7.8.3 | 21/7/2022 |
Breynia oblongifolia | Oblong-leaved Breynia | 9.8.3 | 17/10/2022 |
Breynia stipitata | Dwarf's Apple | 7.3.10 | 27/6/2023 |
Buckinghamia celcissima | Silky Oak | 7.8.3 | 6/6/2024 |
Buckinghamia celcissima | Ivory Curl Tree | 7.8.2 | 26/9/2024 |
Buckinghamia celsissima | Silky Oak | 7.8.3, 7.8.2 | 11/10/202213/10/2022 |
Buckinghamia celsissima | Ivory Curl | 7.8.2, 7.8.3 | 16/10, 30/10/2024 |
Callitris macleayana | Cyprus Pine | 7.8.2 | 31/5/2023 |
Callitris macleayana | Cypress Pine | 7.8.2 | 11/10/2023, 29/11/23 |
Callitris macleayana | Cypress Pine | 7.8.2 | 9/1/2024 |
Calophyllum inophyllum | Beach Touriga | 7.3.10 | 27/9/2022 |
Cananga odorata | Perfume Tree | 7.8.1 | 6/7/2022 |
Cananga odorata | Ylang-Ylang | 7.8.1 | 27/4/2023 |
Capparis arborea | Native Pomegranate | 9.8.3 | 18/10/2022 |
Carallia brachiata | Freshwater Mangrove | 7.3.10 | 14/11/2024 |
Carallia brachiata | Carallia | 7.3.10 | 9/11/2023 |
Carallia brachiata | Freshwater Mangrove | 7.3.10 | 10/11/2022, 30/11/2022 |
Cardwellia sublimis | Bull Oak | 7.8.2 | 20/11/2023 |
Cardwellia sublimis | Bull Oak | 7.8.2 | 6/10/2022 |
Cardwellia sublimis | Bull Oak | 7.8.2, 7.3.10 | 31/10, 14/11/2024 |
Cardwellia sublimis | Bull Oak | 7.8.2, 7.3.10 | 8+15+27/9/22 |
Carnarvonia araliifolia var. araliifolia | Red Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 24/10/2024 |
Carnarvonia araliifolia var. montana | Red Oak | 7.8.2, 7.8.3 | 21/11, 21/10/2024 |
Carnarvonia araliifolia var. montana | Red Oak | 7.8.2 | 28/7/22, 7/09/22 |
Carnivonia araliifolia var. montana | Red Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 3/1/2024 |
Castanospermum australe | Black Bean | 7.3.10, 7.8.3 | 2/05, 6/06/2024 |
Castanospermum australe | Black Bean | 7.8.2 | 21/8/2024 |
Castanospermum australe | Black Bean | 7.8.2 | 13/10/2022 |
Castanospora alphandii | Brown Tamarind | 7.8.1, 782 | 30/11/2022, 21/12/2022 |
Castanospora alphandii | Brown Tamarind | 7.8.2 | 4/12/2024 |
Castanospora alphandii | Brown Tamarind | 7.8.2 | 21/12/2023, 29/12/23 |
Castenospermum australe | Black Bean | 7.8.2, 7.8.3, 7.8.1 | 6/7/22, 23/08/22, 12/9/22 |
Casuarina cunninhamiana | River Sheoak | 7.8.2 | 28/11/2023 |
Cerbera floribunda | Cassowary Plum | 7.8.2 | 7/12/2022 |
Cerbera floribunda | Cassowary Plum | 7.3.10 | 13/4/2023 |
Cerbera floribunda | Cassowary Plum | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Chionanthus ramiflora | Northern Olive | 7.8.2, 7.8.3 | 3/10, 8/10/2024 |
Chionanthus ramiflorus | Northern Olive | 7.8.3, 7.8.1 | 21+26/09/22 |
Chionanthus ramiflorus | Native Olive | 7.8.2, 7.8.3 | 19/7, 20/9/2023 |
Chionanthus ramiflorus | Native Olive | 7.8.1, 7.8.3 | 12/10/2022, 25/10/2022 |
Cinnamomum laubatii | Cassia Cinnamon | 7.8.2 | 19/7, 10/8/2023 |
Cleidion javanicum | - | 7.8.1 | 25/10/2022 |
Clerodendron longiflorum | Witches Tongues | 7.8.2 | 15/3/2024 |
Clerodendrum floribundum | Clerodendrum | 7.8.3 | 20/11/2024 |
Clerodendrum longiflorum var. glabrum | Witches Tongues | 7.8.3 | 11/08/22, 14/9/22 |
Clerodendrum longiflorum var. glabrum | Witches Tongues | 7.8.3 | 1/11/2022 |
Clerodendrum longiflorum var. glabrum | Witches Tongues | 7.8.4 | 15/11/2023 |
Commersonia bartramia | Scrub Christmas Tree | 7.12.16 | 9/3/2023 |
Commersonia bartramia | Brown Kurrajong | 7.3.10 | 30/5/2024 |
Cordia dichotoma | Glue Berry Tree | 9.8.3 | 13/9/2023 |
Cordia dichotoma | Glue Berry Tree | 9.8.3 | 17/10/2022 |
Cordia dichotoma | Glue Berry Tree | 7.8.3, 9.8.3 | 18/1, 14/2/2024 |
Cordyline cannifolia | Palm-lily | 7.8.2 | 13/10/2022 |
Cordyline cannifolia | Palm Lily | 7.3.10 | 10/10/2024 |
Cordyline cannifolia | Palm-Lily | 7.3.10 | 12/4/2023 |
Corynocarpus cribbianus | Cribwood | 7.8.2 | 6/11/2024 |
Corynocarpus cribbianus | Cribwood | 7.8.2 | 29/11/2023 |
Corynocarpus cribbianus | Cribwood | 7.8.2 | 16/11/2022 |
Cryptocarya hypospodia | Northern Laurel | 7.3.10 | 9/11/2023, 22/11/23 |
Cryptocarya oblata | Tarzali Silkwood | 7.8.4 | 9/11/2023 |
Cryptocarya pleurosperma | Poison Walnut | 7.8.2 | 29/11/2023 |
Cryptocarya hypospodia | Northern Laurel | 7.8.1 | 25/10/2022, 17/11/2022 |
Cryptocarya mackinnoniana | Mackinnon's Laurel | 7.8.4, 7.8.2 | 12+19/07/22 |
Cryptocarya mackinnoniana | Mackinnon's Laurel | 7.8.4 | 1/11/2022 |
Cryptocarya mackinnoniana | Mackinnon's Laurel | 7.8.4 | 3/7/2024 |
Cryptocarya mackinnoniana | Mackinnon's Laurel | 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 22/05, 30/05/2024 |
Cryptocarya melanocarpa | -- | 7.8.2 | 26/10/2023 |
Cryptocarya melanocarpa | - | 7.8.2, 7.3.10 | 19/7, 20/9/2023 |
Cryptocarya murrayi | Murray's Laurel | 7.8.1 | 21/9/2022 |
Cryptocarya murrayi | Murray's Laurel | 7.8.2 | 11/9/2024 |
Cryptocarya murrayi | Murray's Laurel | 7.8.2 | 11/9/2024 |
Cryptocarya oblata | Tarzali Silkwood | 7.8.4 | 12/7/2022 |
Cryptocarya oblata | Tarzali Silkwood | 7.8.4, 7.8.2 | 24/10, 30/10/2024 |
Cryptocarya oblata | Tarzali Silkwood | 7.8.4 | 26/9/2024 |
Cryptocarya oblata | Bolly Silkwood | 7.8.4 | 14/02/2023, 7/03/2023 |
Cryptocarya onoprienkoana | Rose Walnut | 7.8.4 | 24/04, 16/05/2024 |
Cryptocarya onoprienkoana | Pigeonberry Ash | 7.8.4 | 2/8/2022 |
Cryptocarya onoprienkoana | Pigeonberry Ash | 7.8.4 | 3/7/2024 |
Cryptocarya onoprienkoana | Rose Walnut | 7.8.4 | 29/6/2023 |
Cryptocarya pleurosperma | Poison Laurel | 7.8.2 | 9/1/2024 |
Cryptocarya rhodosperma | - | 7.8.1, 7.8.3 | 21/11/2022, 30/11/2022 |
Cryptocarya triplinervis | Brown Laurel | 7.8.3 | 14/2/2024 |
Cupaniopsis anacardioides | Beach Tamarind | 7.8.2 | 17/10/2022, 8/11/2022 |
Cupaniopsis anacardioides | Beach Tamarind | 7.8.3 | 30/11/2023 |
Cupaniopsis dallachyi | - | 9.8.3 | 17/10/2022 |
Cupaniopsis flagelliformis | Brown Tuckeroo | 7.8.1 | 21/9/2022 |
Cupaniopsis flagelliformis | Brown Tuckeroo | 7.8.2 | 28/11/2024 |
Daphnandra rapandula | Northern Sassafras | 7.8.4 | 9/11/2023 |
Daphnandra rapandula | Yellow Sassafras | 7.8.2 | 12/11/2024 |
Daphnandra rapandula | Northen Sassafras | 7.8.4 | 10/1/2024 |
Daphnandra repandula | Northern Sassafras | 7.8.2 | 17/11/2022 |
Darlingia darlingiana | Brown Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 23/1/2024 |
Darlingia darlingiana | Brown Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 1/2/2023 |
Darlingia ferruginea | Rose Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 1/11/2022, 3/11/2022 |
Darlingia ferruginea | Rusty Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 21/11/2024 |
Darlingia ferruginea | Rose Silky Oak | 7.8.3 | 27/7/2023 |
Darlingia ferruginea | Rose Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 20/11/2023 |
Darlingia ferruginea | Rose Silky Oak | 7.8.2 | 1/2/2023 |
Davidsonia pruriens | Davidson's Plum | 7.3.10 | 18/7/2023 |
Davidsonia pruriens | Davidson's Plum | 7.8.2 | 3/4/2023 |
Davidsonia pruriens | Davidson's Plum | 7.8.2 | 21/8/2024 |
Delarbrea michieana | Delarbrea | 7.12.16 | 9/3/2023 |
Delarbrea michieana | Blue Nun | 7.8.1 | 21/9/2022 |
Species and Common names taken from 'Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 8' online key: